Catt's Herbalist Almanac
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In my almanac I hope to compile a list of the known Herbs of Norrath and their uses. As knowledge becomes available, through my own research and that of others I will provide it in these pages.


Primitive chemistry of a magical nature, characterized by the mysterious changing of the structure or appearance of things.

Shamanistic Sigil

In Norrath, only Shaman practice this Arcane Craft, though the benefits may be shared with others. Some Alchemeic items are in high demand and garner a goodly sum, though the true Alchemist will likely use any profit on futher research.

The Tower of Frozen Darkness, Iceclad, Vellious.

Tower of Frozen Darkness



Substance that destroys or corrupts, causing illness or death if swallowed, inhaled, or otherwise introduced to a living organism.

In Norrath it is only the Rogue who holds the ability to create caustic solutions, and only one of their own can weild a weapon tainted with poison.

Whether by good fortune or the hand of fate, I find it interesting that my chosen mate and I would be of the only classes in Norrath able to make use of the herbs and vegetation so abundant in our land. For we are both of the opinion that nothing should be wasted, and respect should be shown in the accomplishment of every deed.